
Showing posts from February, 2021

How to become billionaire

Useful Linux Commands

System Information Commands uname -a shows Linux system info uname -r shows kernel release info cat /etc/redhat-release shows installed redhat version uptime displays system running/life time hostname shows system host name hostname -I shows ip addresses of the host last reboot displays system reboot history date displays current date and time cal displays monthly calendar mount shows mounted filesy­stems File Commands ls -l shows file type and access permission ls -a lists also hidden files ls -al lists files and directories detailly pwd shows present directory mkdir directory creates a directory rm xyz deletes file xyz rm -r /xyz deletes directory /xyz and its contents recursively rm -f abc forcefully deletes abc file without confirmation rm -rf /xyz forcefully deletes directory /xyz recursively cp aaa bbb copies aaa file to bbb file cp -r /xxx /yyy copies /xxx directıry to /yyy directory mv aaa bbb renames or moves file aaa to file bbb touch abc creates an empty file named abc cat a